-encouraging and equipping women to be all that they are called to be-

Her Shameless Audacity

The idea for calling this blog “Her Shameless Audacity” originated while I was reading the word one day. One of those times when you’re reading the word and something stands out to you so clearly, you wonder how you could have ever read over it and not noticed it before. The passage comes from Luke 11. Jesus starts the chapter by teaching his followers how to pray. Immediately after, he starts telling a parable. He tells the story of a man who shows up to his friends house in the middle of the night asking for bread to share with a friend who had just visited his house. Immediately his friend declines. He said it was late, he was already in bed and had his household shut down, and was not interested in getting up to get some bread for his friend. Jesus however, goes on to say a very peculiar statement. In Luke 11:8, Jesus says,

“I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.”

Jesus is emphasizing the power and importance of persistence. Persistence has the power to overcome opposition. Persistence that doesn’t care what people think: it’s shameless. Persistence that isn’t willing to take no for an answer: it’s audacious.

Jesus says that functioning with shameless audacity has the power to turn even the most bleak of circumstances around.

While in this case he is specifically referring to prayer (which is REALLY IMPORTANT), I think this is a general principle that is extremely important in life. As the old saying goes, good things never come easy. Being all that you were called to be, and living the abundant life you were made to live is not something that is simply going to fall in your lap. It’s going to require moments of audacious faith. Moments of shameless courage, and moments of persistence when it simply doesn’t make sense. This- shameless audacity– is the key. It is the formula to being all that God has called you to be in all aspects of your life. It has the power to overcome, even when all else seems to fail.

I am thrilled at the opportunity to connect with a group of young women who share the same desire to approach their lives with shameless audacity. With it, we can all thrive under a common goal:

—— Intentional pursuit of your best you ———-
